Wednesday, 22 January 2014

TCW: Midnight Madness (23rd January) Results!!

                       WELCOME TO MIDNIGHT MADNESS! 
This is the last Midnight Madness to be run by the boss, Dead Man Rising. The next Midnight Madness I run will be after two whole months. Wow.
But I will be running Aftermath in 24 hours too.
                              These are our match cards...

1. Sport Critic versus The Special One (Ultimate Carnage Champion)
Winner: The Special One

Note: The Special One had held the tights of Critic while pinning him... but the referee did not see it. 

2. Sanat versus Chronic (The Resolution) with SK (Resolution) as manager
Winner: Chronic

Note: In the middle of the match, SK propped up on the ropes. Sanat punched him off, and when he turned, Chronic hit a Clothesline from Hell. After the match, the two kicked him around and tossed him out of the ring. The fans are beginning to hate The Resolution.

3. The Animal Batista versus LT and Lucifer (2 on 1 Handicap match)
Winner: The Animal Batista

Note: We never saw we'd see it. But tonight we saw a Double Batista Bomb. Ramming two grown men on the mat at once is no joke. The Animal is to be feared. If you hold a title, beware of this monster.

4. Alexander (National Carnage Champion) versus ROH Punk
Winner: ROH Punk by count out

This was an excellent match. The two bodies were lying like corpses at ring side. However, only one managed to beat the ten count, and he won. The men shook hands like true sportsmen. The fans sure got their money's worth.

#Main Event
5. Marcus versus TPO (The Resolution)
    Steel Cage Match

After ten minutes of a vicious fight, Marcus hit a spine buster that caused TPO to feel dazed and uneasy. Marcus was sure to finish him off, but it was far from over...

SK and Chronic (TPO's team mates) from The Resolution showed up. Chronic tried to get in the cage. At the same time, behind Marcus's back, SK tossed TPO a steel pipe. Marcus managed to keep the two men away from the cage...
And then, TPO slammed Marcus with the pipe. Marcus had bleeding gums and lay sprawled on the mat. TPO went through the cage door, and won.

Later that night, the Resolution was gifted a limousine by the boss!
The Special One, The boss and The Resolution drove off the in the fancy car.

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